10 Essentials for On-Site SEO

Jan 10, 2022
3 min read
10 Essentials for On-Site SEO Image

Marketing is about getting your brand found, seen, and understood to increase sales and grow your brand. If your field service business is trying to accomplish this online, search engine optimization (SEO) must be a part of your marketing strategy.

On-site SEO, in particular, focuses on creating highquality content for your audience. Your goal here is to prove that you are an authority in your field, an expert at what you do and that your consumers can trust you. But how exactly do you make that happen?

The following tips will give you ten must haves to improve your on-site SEO:

1.Head-Turning Headlines

A first impression is everything when it comes to marketing. It introduces your brand to the world. As a result, your headings and subheadings need to be engaging. Your headline is the title for your work and gets people to click on your content. Subheadings keep readers interested by breaking down your articles into subtopics. Structured content keeps your audience in line so they know where to go and what to read.

2.High-Quality Writing

Quality content establishes you as a credible authority. You want users to read the pages within your site and understand their meaning. If you want your readers to trust you, it begins by sharing content that is trustworthy itself – verifiable information that addresses their concerns and needs in a professional, engaging way.

3.Content That Answers

People go to the Internet to solve their problems and answer their questions. Therefore, your site needs to anticipate common user questions and provide practical, relevant answers. You can do this by having a question-and-answer section on your page and then weaving the topics and answers into your content.

4.Keywords and Phrases

You have content that answers questions, but it doesn’t matter if your content can’t be found. This is where keywords and phrases come in. Keywords include the geotarget as well as words and phrases that users look for when searching for your service or product. Make sure to use keywords and phrases strategically so they flow naturally within your content.

5.Internal and External Links

Another part of credibility for your website is linking to other resources. Internal links to other items on your website show that you have useful information on a variety of topics that are relatable to your users. Likewise, external links to sources outside your site demonstrate that you can be trusted to lead browsers to topically relevant content.

6.Schema Markup

Creating the best connections possible is important to Google and other search engines. This happens by providing the most exact information that users are searching for. Schema markups from microdata on Schema.org create an enhanced description of website content. This allows search engines to have more specific information on a web page to provide more accurate search results for users.

7.Relevant URL Structure

Your website’s URL should act as a descriptive guide. Being strategic with your URL helps the reader to understand your content’s topic and how it fits in with the website as a whole. Likewise, it helps Google dissect your page and effectively share it with your audience.

8.User Engagement

Your website needs to be user-friendly. Looks are important, but it is just as vital to keep browsers involved. Do this with items that create engagement like chat services, online forms, or enhanced content links.

9.Ease of Use Across Devices

Between computers, tablets, and phones, people have easy access to the Internet all hours of the day. Your job is to make your site convenient for them. Your audience should be able to quickly and efficiently navigate your website from any device.

10.Data Analysis

You have to look at the numbers to see just how well your SEO strategy is working. Are things going well, or do you need to make some tweaks? You’ll never know if you don’t take the time to look at your numbers. On-site SEO is about how useful and engaging your content is to your users. Search engines reward credible content, and viewers do too.

Taking the time and effort to implement these essentials into your on-site SEO strategy will help ensure that your audience sees you as an authority they can trust with their field service needs.

Wanting more? Check out some of our other tips and tools!

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