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Running a lawn care service company is a demanding task. There's always something on the plate, from managing staff and equipment to scheduling services. However, amid the daily tasks, legal matters like creating lawn care contracts are crucial to ensure protection for the business and its customers.

Without a contract, disputes may arise over service expectations and misunderstandings. And providers have little recourse for late and missing payments. That’s why obtaining a signed landscaping contract is a crucial step in every job.

Contracts establish the responsibilities that both sides take into a business relationship, providing clarity and peace of mind that work is done on time and payment follows. 

Read on to learn how to write a foolproof lawn care contract. 

Add the download button here: Download a free lawn care contract template here and tailor it to your business needs.

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What Is a Lawn Care Contract?

A lawn care service contract is a written agreement between a service provider and a client that specifies the services and payment expectations of both sides. The lawn care service agreement contains agreed-upon details that can be a one-time or recurring service. 

Once signed, the contract becomes a binding legal document, ensuring that work is completed and payment is made. 

Lawn care contract vs. lawn care maintenance agreement

Lawn care contracts and lawn care maintenance agreements are not the same thing.

Contracts are official, signed documents, while maintenance agreements simply spell out future services and offer an estimate. Agreements lack legal specificity in the case of future disputes and don’t cover the entire agreement.

This doesn’t lessen the importance of maintenance agreements. That information is an essential first step in bidding for and securing customers

Signed contracts bring heightened security for both sides. Strongly consider taking the extra step rather than using a simple maintenance agreement.

What Are the Advantages of a Lawn Care Contract?

A lawn care contract is a statement of trust between a business and a property owner that work will be done at an agreed-upon price. Whether you operate a large landscaping service with commercial clients or are an independent contractor doing part-time lawn mowing, it specifies both sides’ rights in the case of dispute or potential contract termination.

Advantages of a written, signed lawn maintenance contract include:

  • Clarity on what maintenance services to expect, including specific descriptions to avoid later disputes.

  • Payment terms and conditions, including a breakdown of expected services, warranties, or guarantees specific to the services provided, such as weeding or pest control.

Contracts provide proof that an agreed-upon relationship exists between two parties and serve as evidence in the case of a dispute. 

Lawn care contracts include specific sections that lay out both expected services and payment terms. Let’s take a look at those next.

What Should a Lawn Care Contract Include?

A lawn care contract includes specific service and payment details to avoid any loopholes one side could use to violate the agreement.

While the information remains consistent from contract to contract, the details spell out the particulars. Simple, straightforward language best conveys the service specifics and business owner expectations.

Utilizing dedicated business operations software or a template where you fill in the details saves time and prevents the need to create new documents from scratch.

The sections below are suggestions, and you should tailor contracts to your business needs.

Contact information

All contracts should adequately identify the parties involved. In this case, this includes your business and the customer.

The document should record the following:

  • The business name and client’s name.

  • Physical addresses of both parties, including city, state, and zip code. 

  • The mailing address of both parties if they differ from the physical address or if the work site is a commercial property.

  • Telephone numbers where both parties can be reached.

  • An email address for document transfer and ongoing conversation.

Scope of lawn care services

This section properly identifies what services the customer expects a commercial lawn care service to provide. It should be specific to the job and not a sales piece to entice future services. Stick to the labor at hand.

Include detailed scope-of-work descriptions, such as:

  • Areas within the property where lawn maintenance takes place.

  • Whether professional lawn service includes edging, fertilizing, and raking.

  • The inclusion of pest control, weed control, mulching, or any other specific tasks.

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Materials and equipment

Most lawn care companies provide their own lawn care equipment. In either case, specify what is being brought to the job site versus what is required from the homeowner.

This could include:

  • Equipment specific to the size and scope of the job.

  • Fertilizer, weed killer, or other chemicals.

  • Water outlets and hoses.

Duration of contract

Some landscaping contracts continue year-round. Others remain seasonal. Specify within the contract when the customer can expect service.

Be sure to include:

  • The service start date.

  • The regular time and day(s) service personnel will be on site.

  • The total duration, whether it be a one-time service, weekly, monthly, or indefinite.

  • Whether there is a date, temperature, or other trigger that halts service for that season.

  • The end date, if applicable.

Payment terms

This details the cost of services and accepted forms of payment methods. This section could include a simple one-time line item or be expanded to include multiple services over several seasons.

Along with the total cost, include:

  • Any initial payment and whether it’s partial or the full total.

  • When payments begin.

  • When payments end.

  • How to submit payments: credit card, direct deposits, check, cash, etc.

Termination clause

Both sides of a contract retain the right to end an agreement under certain circumstances. Define those terms upfront, as well as:

  • Notices or grace periods.

  • Penalties for early termination.

  • How the final terms of service are defined.

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Insurance and liability

This section outlines whether the lawn care service provider has liability insurance and defines both sides’ responsibilities in case of property damage.

Larger service companies that offer specialized services often carry liability insurance to cover:

  • Tree removal and transportation.

  • Lawn installation.

  • Pest control.

Client responsibilities

Lawn care professionals typically attend to clients weekly or bi-weekly, so it should not be a surprise when they show up. Property owners must prepare for these scheduled times appropriately, including:

  • Allowing access to the property, including any necessary storage areas.

  • Securing pets and children away from the work site.

  • Properly watering the lawn between scheduled visits.

Indemnification clause

This area defines how disputes or claims are handled and who’s responsible for legal fees in the case of a dispute. 

An indemnification clause is critical to protect your business against lawsuits from third parties in case of damages or violations outside your control. 

Secure the legal services of a contract law firm to build an indemnification clause specific to your company.

Governing law

Specify the jurisdiction and applicable law that applies to the contract. This is important in case a dispute hinges on differences between local laws.

Most times, governing law defers to state law where the property lies. Specifying this defines the rules should a dispute occur.


This space allows both parties to sign and date the contract, indicating agreement to the terms.

For paper contracts, include space for a printed name and cursive signature. For digital contracts, a single space typically suffices.

Improve Your Efficiency With Lawn Care Business Software

Contracts provide the peace of mind that businesses and clients need to ensure that the job is being done at an agreed-upon price, laying the groundwork for a successful customer relationship.

FieldRoutes helps lawn care businesses streamline their operations with its Operations Suite software, giving you the tools to create contracts, sign them, and start working immediately.

Contact FieldRoutes for a free demo today!

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