Using Dashboards and Metrics for Efficiency

Sep 19, 2021
3 min read
Using Dashboards and Metrics for Efficiency Image

A business dashboard is an incredibly useful tool to track key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, and any other key data points that are relevant to your field service business. Through the use of data visualizations, dashboards give you a quick, high-level view of how your business is doing at any given point throughout the day by simplifying complex data sets into small amounts of information that are easy to digest. The right field service software partner should provide you with an effective dashboard that includes the following overviews:


Your customers are the lifeline of your business, so it’s important that you stay on top of your active recurring customers, your potential customers, and any customers that are active but non-recurring. Your active recurring customers are your money-makers. They have an active account, are set up for at least one recurring service, and they have received at least one service. Your potential customers are active but have yet to receive a service, and your active non-recurring customers are scheduled on an as-needed basis.


It’s important to get a visualization of your suite of services, so you know which types of subscriptions are selling and which ones are not. It should show active subscriptions that are on a recurring basis and have received at least one service, and subscriptions that have not received a service but have recurring billing.


Are your technicians always late? Maybe they’re not properly treating your customers’ homes. Either way, being able to view reports that show the top reasons your customers are canceling their subscription is important so you can get to the root of the issue and correct the situation.

Monthly Services

If you’re running your business manually, how do you know what services you have scheduled on a day-to-day basis? A monthly services report will provide you with insight, so you know which customers are due for service every month. You will want to see things like overdue, unscheduled, and scheduled subscriptions and completed appointments.

Technician Ratings

Your technicians should be providing the best customer service possible. A great dashboard will enable you to quickly see which technicians are doing a great job and which ones may need more coaching. This type of data is a great resource for any quality assurance department to identify what causes the ratings to go south before a bad experience turns into a cancellation.

Percentage Of Completed Visits

There could be a number of reasons why scheduled visits might be missed. For example, the customer might not be home when the technician arrives. An advanced reporting tool will enable you to see the status of all your scheduled appointments within a given time period.


Encouraging customers to set up AutoPay is a quick and easy way to collect payments from them, which saves them time and alleviates your time spent on collections. It adds a level of consistency in collecting payments and allows you to make more accurate business projections. The ability to view and report out on which customers are actively being charged, which ones are missing payment information, and which ones are still mailing you a check ensures you’re collecting all of your revenue.

Accounts Receivables

It’s critical to keep track of which payments are coming in on time and which are past due. Being able to view your accounts receivables on a dashboard gives you a quick view of how fast you’re getting paid for the services you provide. It should show you the total balance of customers that prefer to be billed monthly and which invoices are current or past due.

These are just a few examples of what can be included in a dashboard so you can make smart and timely decisions about your field service business. Ultimately, a well-built dashboard should provide visibility, accountability, and help you to identify risks before they become a major issue.

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