Spring Into Action: Prepping Technicians for the Busy Season Ahead

Oct 05, 2021
2 min read
Spring Into Action: Prepping Technicians for the Busy Season Ahead Image

Technicians are the front lines and the first impression. That’s why it’s important to make sure your technicians are highly trained and as dedicated to the success of your business as you are. With unemployment at a nearly 50-year low, the best technicians (and even the bad ones) don’t hesitate to jump to other opportunities if their current gig doesn’t meet their needs. It’s not surprising that one-third of the field service industry considers recruitment and retention a challenge. Make a plan for the busy season by creating a plan that attracts the technicians you want for both the busy season and beyond.

Pay Competitive Wages

Whatever pay structure you use, make sure the rate earned by your technicians is at least comparable to others in your market. Low pay is one of the top reasons employees choose to leave their jobs.

Provide Good Benefits

Give your techs the security of knowing their families won’t be badly affected if they get sick or are injured. Quality health and life insurance, perks that defray expenses like gas cards and a reasonable policy for paid days off will make it easier to attract and retain top technicians.

Give Them Technology

Millennial employees are tech-savvy and used to having the right tools at their fingertips to help them handle their daily needs. Make it easier for them to do their jobs with mobile apps like a simple customer sign up, mobile payments, and smart routing, that help them be more efficient and build stronger customer relationships.

Value Their Voice

Technicians have the greatest feel for the day-to-day workings of much of your business. Take the time to ask their opinion and take them seriously when they take you up on it. Make sure your culture is one where employees feel comfortable speaking up because they know you value what they have to say.

Prioritize Safety

Include this throughout your training for new technicians and insert it into the larger picture of what you do on an ongoing basis. They will appreciate that you genuinely care about their physical well-being, not just their productivity.

Appreciate Them

Check in regularly with your technicians and make sure the training they’re receiving is what they need. Foster fun experiences whenever possible – this is especially important during the busy season when they may feel overwhelmed and need a break. Options may include chances to win tickets to local sporting events, gift cards to restaurants or movies, and treats at all-staff meetings

Grow And Prosper

Make sure there is a path for any certifications they may need, as well as an available path to management. Technicians should know there is room for advancement within the company.

Celebrate Independence

The best technicians (and employees) want some structure with the freedom to be independent and make decisions on the fly. Make it easy for them with mobile tools designed to improve their daily workflow. Encourage independence and give them the training to do the job right.

Maintaining a dedicated team of technicians will save time and money and most importantly, help you retain and grow your customer base. Investing in your technicians is an investment in your business.

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